Git Moar Betterer Training Offers

About Git Moar Betterer:

Hi, I’m John Fannin, United States Marine Corps veteran and ocean rower (more on that further down). 
I began Git Moar Betterer as a way to meet people where they are at and inspire them to greatness. In 2020 I was on top of the world, having just completed the Talisker Whisky Atlantic Challenge 2019, (now known as World’s Toughest Row), a roughly 3000 nautical mile ocean rowing race across the Atlantic Ocean. For the first time in my life I felt like an elite athlete. Before the row commenced, we walked our boat, flying my country’s flag, across the streets of La Gomera, and though it was a short walk, I felt immense pride in representing a country that had given me so much.
But in 2022, on on Veteran’s Day, I got the unfortunate news that I most likely had cancer. Six days later the diagnosis was confirmed, Testicular Cancer at the age of 36. My wife and I the month before had decided to start trying to have children. With that diagnosis, every plan for the future was put on immediate hold. Dreams vanished before my eyes, the hope for a normal life dissipated in front of me.
The battle, I knew I’d win, was tough. It was a victory, but not without sacrifice. I lost nearly all of the muscle mass I had and dropped from 205 pounds and 13% body fat, to 145 pounds and skin hanging off my body like melted wax. I could barely walk without pain. I walked with a limp for six months. But each day I was determined to do one more thing better than I’d done the day before. 
Maybe it was my attitude, maybe my physical ability. I knew a perfect life was out of reach, but I knew I could Git Moar Betterer each and every day. The name is tongue in cheek as most people joke that Marines are not the brightest crayon in the box, but I wanted it to stand out as a bold statement that despite our limitations, despite everything life has thrown at us, we can overcome and be better…er every single day.
I hope you join me on this journey to uncover your hidden strength and finding Git Moar Betterer to be something you say in the moments of doubt.

You don't have to do it all today, but you do have to start today!